Our current service is affected by government guidelines, the availability of staff, and by prioritising the health and safety of residents. We are trying to maintain a service which is as close to ‘business as usual’ as possible.

With the lockdown conditions easing across the country we’re increasing the level of service we can provide in some areas. It will take a little while to get levels up to where they were before the virus hit, so please bear with us.

Our priorities for getting back to business are:

  • Safety first – We’ll prioritise the safety of our customers, colleagues and contractors. We’ll take our time to get it right, but make sure we cover the basics fast. We will support colleagues and teams as they work in new and different ways.
  • Understanding – we’ll take time understand and follow the government guidelines. We’ll be adjusting the way we provide services to ensure we are complying with the safety guidelines – taking a step-by-step approach.
  • Listening and communicating – we will consult with residents and colleagues about the longer-term shape of our services. We recognise that we must completely understand what our residents expect, need and want in the covid world. We are working with our colleagues to make sure they have everything they need to be safe.
  • Flexible – We will be flexible and agile about the way we work as we’ll need to respond to a fast-changing environment. We’ll organise our strategies around the government’s Covid-19 alert levels to ensure we have a clear idea of what our service will look like at each of those levels.

Providing a repair service: Safety means some activities are paused


Non-essential repairs have been paused to ensure both residents and staff are protected.

Our repairs team are focused on emergency repairs only such as restoring heating or your water supply. Before attending we’ll need to ask you some questions about whether you are self-isolating or unwell, this is for your protection as well as for our team.

The repairs team are taking calls between the hours of 8am and 6pm on 0333 300 2012.

We are still providing an out of hours service for emergencies. If you have difficulty getting through on our usual number please call 0300 303 1773

Customer Call Centre 0333 300 2012


Our customer call centre remains open and we are taking your calls. Where possible, please email your enquiry to us using moc.semohnolhtairtnull@ofni

Along with our other office-based staff, the Customer Call Centre team are working remotely and are currently available between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.  We will keep this service under review and let you know of any changes.

Our repairs team are available between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Sales and Lettings


Our Sales and Lettings Teams are not currently arranging any viewings.

Despite the COVID-19 outbreak the team is working remotely and are here to help you if you have any queries. To contact us or to find out more information please email moc.semohnolhtairtnull@ofni

The Building Safety Programme


There are two significant projects that we are working on across East Village. One is the removal of some ACM facades on some blocks in N02 and N07; the other is a programme of inspections of the external wall systems.

The current social distancing requirements are having an impact on the ability to undertake some work on site. Although, where work can continue safely we are encouraging it. We are using this time to plan and prepare for when the social distancing rules are lifted.

How we can help you during this difficult time


Triathlon has set aside a small fund to help support residents who are vulnerable and do not have a support network to access basic food and provisions. We’re contacting our more vulnerable residents to see how we can ensure we provide support over this period. Do contact us if you are worried about one of your neighbours or if you feel you don’t have anyone to turn to for help.